2604 Sunnyside Drive, PO Box 1014, Cadillac, Michigan 49601

High-Conflict Divorces In Michigan

Divorce Lawyer

If you or a loved one is facing a contentious divorce in Michigan, then talk with a divorce lawyer. These professionals are trained to help you analyze your legal options. Law Offices of Ravi R. Gurumurthy, PLC has years of experience with divorce, child custody, child support, and more. We are here when you need us. For more information, contact Law Offices of Ravi R. Gurumurthy, PLC, for a free consultation by calling (231) 577-1580 or contacting us online.

Divorce proceedings generate strong emotions for both parties. Facing the demise of your marriage often feels like a roller coaster with no end in sight. Parties, and their attorneys, can strive to keep things as civil and rational as possible, but the reality is that divorce often brings out the fighter in many people.

Sometimes, parties can quickly resolve contentious issues like property division, financials, alimony, and custody. But what happens when the gloves come off and the emotions take over? High conflict divorces require incredibly knowledgeable and strategically gifted attorneys to navigate the often extensive, complicated, and stressful legal maneuvering that goes into these pitched battles. If you are embroiled in what most people would call an “ugly” divorce, retaining a Michigan attorney with the acumen to guide you through it can make the process easier and the outcome more favorable.

What Makes A Case High-Conflict?

Most divorces will feature some areas of contention where the parties do not immediately agree on the answer. Perhaps one party wants to keep the marital home, but the other party wants to sell it and divide the proceeds. Attorneys or mediators can often assist their clients in calmly discussing the pros and cons and reaching a compromise without extensive court filings or hearings.

A high-conflict case goes far beyond the average discussion or debate on specific issues. Often, the parties cannot, or will not, agree on anything. High-conflict cases generally see extensive court filings over seemingly minor issues before and after the divorce is final. A good attorney will counsel you to avoid pointless litigation and help you decide to end the conflict to begin your new life. But what happens when the other party drives the conflict?

What Leads To A High-Conflict Divorce?

Maybe the marriage deteriorated over the years, and anger built up in one or both spouses. Perhaps someone cheated. Sometimes, one party refuses to accept any responsibility for the problems in the marriage or refuses even to see that problems exist. Often, the battles commence because one party blames the other for the marital issues or divorce.

When these things happen, the divorce terms become a matter of pride or tools for revenge. One side can be obsessed with not letting the other side “win” or not letting them “get away with something,” which can become a common theme applied to even minor issues. Once pride, stubbornness, or a need to prove a point takes over, the fighting can consume both parties.

Arguing over minutia is also a form of control, and it can endlessly extend the proceedings and emotional damage of a divorce. You, better than anyone, know your former spouse. Certain personality types tend to enter more conflicted divorce proceedings, even when that person wants the divorce.

A compassionate but resolute Michigan family law attorney can help protect you from the onslaught of a high-conflict divorce. In a case that is becoming a high-conflict divorce, your attorney should be level-headed and experienced enough to engage as little as possible with emotions and help you avoid going into high-conflict situations.

What Issues Arise In High-Conflict Divorce?

  • Custody
  • Finances
  • Property and assets
  • Adjustments to visitation schedules
  • Holidays
  • Retirement accounts
  • Alimony

The battle can range from top-level issues, like the existence of a bank account or whether to sell a marital residence, to incredibly narrow issues such as who maintains possession of a minor’s passport or what name a minor may call a new stepparent. If you are the target of a high-conflict divorce opponent, the emotional, financial, and physical drain of continued court involvement cannot be overestimated. A professional, balanced attorney can help you strategically address the attacks.

Michigan High-Conflict Divorce Attorney

Under normal circumstances, divorce proceedings can be difficult, occasionally combative, and draining emotionally and financially. If one or both parties decide to elevate the conflict to unreasonable levels, the patient guidance of a well-grounded attorney can help you protect your interests and maintain perspective. If you are embroiled in a high-conflict divorce, please call The Law Offices of Rami R. Gurumurthy at (231) 577-1580 today to schedule your free consultation.


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