2604 Sunnyside Drive, PO Box 1014, Cadillac, Michigan 49601


One of the most important issues you’ll have to address during a divorce or paternity case is how to divide parenting time. In addition to deciding how to split up time generally and how to manage holidays, you’ll have to resolve a number of more technical details. For example, who will be responsible for transportation from one parent’s home to the other’s? Will the visitation schedule be rigid, or may you work together for a more flexible schedule? What process will you follow and how much notice is required if you do want to make changes?
That may sound like more detail than is necessary, but when conflicts arise, it’s important to have clear guidelines in place. If you wouldn’t have thought to include those details, or even think them through in advance, don’t worry. That’s our job.
Whether you’re negotiating parenting time with your children’s other parent or expect to have to fight for what’s best for your children in court, we can help. Call 231-577-1580 to schedule your free consultation.

The Best Interests of the Children

Michigan courts, like the courts of most states, are charged with making many decisions in the best interests of the children. Of course, you want issues like your children’s living arrangements and time with each parent decided in their best interests. But, a court order can’t fully protect your children. Protecting their best interests begins with how you and their other parent manage the separation, divorce, and negotiations regarding custody and visitation.
We’re ready to fight for your rights if necessary, but our first approach will be to assist you in achieving your parenting goals without unnecessary conflict, expense, and stress for both you and your children. Attorney Ravi R. Gurumurthy has a history of successfully negotiating resolutions that allow parents and children to move forward with minimal conflict.

Modification of Parenting Time

Parenting time, like custody and child support, may be modified on a showing of a significant change in circumstances. For example, if you or the children’s other parent is moving and the distance between your residences will be significantly increased, it may no longer be reasonable for the non-custodial parent to pick the children up for dinner two nights each week. Or, perhaps your former spouse has been keeping the children overnight and driving them to school in the morning every other week, but is now working third shift and not home with them at night or able to transport them.
Whether you need help reaching a new arrangement or simply need to get a revised court order reflecting the changes you’ve agreed upon, we’re here to help. And, if you’re facing a motion for modification you believe is unwarranted, we can help you fight to keep the existing order in place.
Call us at 231-577-1580.

Protect Your Parenting Time

Attorney Ravi R. Gurumurthy understands how important your relationship with your children is. Whether you’re an unmarried father seeking to establish visitation or a divorcing mother trying to work out how to share parenting time and responsibilities with your former spouse, you can benefit from the compassionate guidance you’ll receive from our firm.
Our goal is always to protect your rights and the best interests of your children while minimizing conflict wherever possible. Dividing parenting time can be confusing and emotional, but a seasoned family law attorney can help you understand your rights and options, reduce the stress and uncertainty you’re feeling and advocate for your rights while you focus on taking care of yourself and your children.

Get the advice you need right now. Just call 231-577-1580. The initial consultation is free.


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