2604 Sunnyside Drive, PO Box 1014, Cadillac, Michigan 49601

Michigan Child Support Frequently Asked Questions

Child Support Determinations

What Is Michigan’s Child Support Guideline?

In Michigan, the child support guideline, also known as the “formula,” is a set of rules and calculations that determine the amount of child support that should be paid. This guideline includes the main manual and a regularly updated supplement, which contains the latest economic figures and related materials.

How Is Child Support Determined In Michigan?

The child support guideline is a crucial tool in Michigan’s family courts. It presumes that the calculated formula sets appropriate levels of support for the child unless specific facts in a particular case justify a different amount. In most situations, courts are required to order child support based on this formula.

Where Can I Find The Most Current Materials And Guidance?

For parents and legal professionals seeking the most recent information and additional guidance on using the child support guideline, the official website of the Michigan Child Support Formula is a valuable resource. There, you can access the latest materials and stay informed about any changes to the formula.

What Does A Child Support Obligation Cover?

Child support in Michigan encompasses various aspects of a child’s needs. It includes payments for the child’s general care, which is referred to as base support and calculated based on guidelines outlined in §3.02 – §3.03 of the manual. Additionally, child support covers medical support (§3.04 – §3.05) and child care expenses (§3.06).

How Should Support Amounts Be Calculated?

To simplify the process of payment and record-keeping, support amounts should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

How Is Support Calculated When There Are Multiple Children?

When parents are responsible for supporting multiple children, the child support order should include tiered amounts for fewer children. This avoids the need to recalculate support each time the number of supported children changes. The child’s share of the support obligation is based on their per capita share of the ordered amount unless the support order specifies otherwise.

How Does The Formula Determine Support Obligations For Both Parents?

The formula establishes child support obligations for both parents. The paying parent’s contribution is determined in the support order, while the recipient-parent is presumed to contribute directly to the child’s support.

Can The Court Deviate From The Formula If Needed?

In situations where applying the formula would lead to an unjust or inappropriate result, the court can exercise its discretion and deviate from the formula on a case-by-case basis. However, deviations cannot be based solely on disagreement with the policies in the formula.

What Happens When The Court Decides To Deviate From The Formula?

Even when the court decides to deviate from the formula, it should still follow the formula for the provisions that do not create an unjust or inappropriate result in that specific case. The court must record the reasons for the deviation and comply with certain requirements as outlined in case law and statute.

Can The Parties Agree To Deviate From The Formula?

Yes, the court can enter orders that deviate from the formula based on an agreement between the parties. However, even when there is an agreement to deviate, the court must still meet certain requirements as per MCL 552.605(2).

What Factors Can The Court Consider When Deviating From The Formula?

The court has the discretion to consider any relevant factor when determining whether to deviate from the formula. This allows for a case-specific approach that considers the unique circumstances of each situation.

What Situations Might Warrant Deviation From The Formula?

Strictly adhering to the formula may lead to an unjust or inappropriate result in various cases. The court may consider deviation from the formula when there are situations such as the child having special needs, incurring extraordinary educational expenses, or when one parent faces financial challenges due to extraordinary levels of jointly accumulated debt, among other factors. The best interests of the child are always a primary consideration when evaluating the need for deviation.

What Is Income For Child Support Purposes?

What Is “Net Income” In The Context Of Child Support Calculations?

Net income refers to all the money a parent earns from various sources, minus the allowed deductions and adjustments outlined in the child support guidelines. It is essential to understand that “net income” for child support calculations is not the same as take-home pay, net taxable income, or any other income terms used for other purposes.

What Is The Purpose Of Determining Net Income For Child Support?

The objective of calculating net income is to establish a fair and accurate amount of money a parent should have available for providing child support. All aspects of a parent’s financial situation are considered when determining the support amount.

What Types Of Income Are Included When Calculating Child Support?

Income considered for child support calculations is comprehensive and includes, but is not limited to, the following: wages, overtime pay, bonuses, business earnings, pensions, retirement accounts, disability benefits, military pay, tips, interest, dividends, royalties, gambling or lottery winnings, and more.

Are Non-Cash Benefits Received From Employment Considered Income For Child Support Purposes?

Yes, non-cash benefits or perks received from employment, such as housing, meals, company vehicle usage, etc., which reduce personal expenses and have significant value, are included as part of the parent’s income for child support calculations.

How Is Income Determined For Self-Employed Individuals And Business Owners?

Determining income for self-employed individuals and business owners can be complex due to the various income sources and deductions. In such cases, business tax returns, balance sheets, accounting records, and other business documents are examined to identify additional income available for child support.

Is Alimony Or Spousal Support Considered Income For Child Support Calculations?

Yes, alimony or spousal support received by a parent from someone other than the other parent in the case is included as part of the parent’s income for child support calculations.

How Is Potential Income Treated When A Parent Is Voluntarily Unemployed Or Underemployed?

When a parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, potential income is imputed, which means estimating the income that parent could earn based on their actual ability and likelihood of earning. Incarceration is generally not considered voluntary unemployment.

What Factors Are Considered When Imputing Potential Income?

Several factors are taken into account when imputing potential income, including the parent’s prior employment history, education, skills, disabilities, availability for work, prevailing wage rates in the local area, and more.

Are Government Insurance Benefits Received For The Children Considered Income For Child Support?

Yes, dependent benefits from government insurance programs, like social security or veteran’s administration, paid for the children in common, are considered as income for the parent receiving those benefits.

How Are Dependent Benefits Attributed Between Parents When Received From A Government Insurance Program?

When the children in common qualify for dependent benefits based on multiple adults’ earnings records, the benefits are attributed between the parents based on whose earnings record provides the highest benefit for the children. Any remaining benefits are attributed to the other parent.

Are Child Support Payments Received For Children From Other Relationships Considered Income?

No, any child support payments received by a parent for children from other relationships are not considered as income for child support calculations in the current case.

Do Reimbursements From An Employer For Travel Expenses Count As Income?

Yes, reimbursements, including per diem, from an employer for travel expenses that exceed the actual costs incurred are considered as part of the parent’s income for child support calculations.

It’s important to note that child support calculations can be intricate and depend on various factors specific to each case. If you are in Michigan and have concerns or questions about child support and income calculations, it’s best to consult with a child support lawyer to understand your rights and responsibilities accurately.

Child Support Attorney

Are you struggling with child support matters in Michigan? The Law Offices of Ravi R. Gurumurthy, PLC is your trusted ally. We provide advice and representation tailored to your specific situation, specializing in child support calculations, modifications, and enforcement. Don’t let confusion cloud your judgement or compromise your child’s best interest. Your child’s future and your peace of mind matter to us. Connect with us today at 231-577-4822 or online. Begin the process of securing your child’s financial future with a trusted child support lawyer at your side.

If you find yourself responsible for paying child support in the state, it’s essential to understand the guidelines and regulations that govern this important aspect of family law. Michigan’s child support guideline, often referred to as the “formula,” is a comprehensive set of rules and calculations used to determine the appropriate amount of support for children.

To learn more about child support in Michigan click here.


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